THE FOUNDER: Dr. Naeem Nasir being the son of one of the few Christian High School Headmasters in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, saw his father helping hundreds of students as he was growing up. He saw his dad buying books and clothes and doing all he could do to get Christian children to come to school and get an education. In 2011, Dr. Nasir received a full scholarship to go to the USA and study. He earned all of his degrees up to the Doctor of Theology. He returned home to Pakistan with a great desire to be teach the Word of God and to train others in the ministry. Most Pastors in Pakistan have little or no training or education. Dr. Nasir has founded a church, a Bible College, he has done great Evangelistic campaigns that have drawn thousands and has seen scores of churches started and has gathered nearly 100 pastors into a fellowship to help them grow and also to educate their people. At this point, Dr. Nasir realizes that for a real change to come, the Christians of Pakistan must educate their children in Christian schools with a Christian Worldview.

Seeing the streets of Pakistan filled with young people and children who are receiving no education, he is determined to set an example of churches taking the responsibility of operating Christian Schools for their children. Christian education is not only so that they can grow in the faith, but the Christian community can grow in its Christian testimony of not being perceived as an uneducated and ignorant people. A people who have no respect or place in society; but, that they start becoming the leaders of the next generation in the country as some of the most educated and knowledgeable people who will earn the respect of society but also will be able to be and influence in society, in government, in business, and also in providing great education to all who want to attend.